The CISI Library is a critical vehicle for sharing up-to-date information on the reforms that are happening within the state and across the country, as well as research and best practices in the area of supported employment and full inclusion of people with developmental and intellectual disabilities.
The CISI Library will be updated frequently as new promising practices are identified.
The CISI Library will also archive videos of consumers, family members and people within the state who have a perspective on improving the lives of people with developmental and intellectual disabilities.
Latest Addition to the Library
Virtual Career Connections
A Job Exploration and Readiness for Middle Schools.
CISI Career Connections is a unique pre-ets 10-week classroom curriculum designed for middle school students (14+, IEP, 504). Each week our expert staff conduct virtual group sessions on career readiness and employability skills.
Diversity & Inclusion Training
Fostering a respectful and productive company culture
CISI tailors instructional series to meet organizational goals towards an inclusive workplace to benefit employees and customers. Our online and in-person trainings focus on ending stigmas and developing understanding about disabilities, different behavior and communication.
Summer Work Readiness 2020 Impact
Summer of 2020 presented it’s challenges but we continued to work together with the business community and are happy to report our virtual workforce development programs successfully connected students (high-school & college) and adults with disabilities to over 20 employers in the past few months.
Congress Still Playing Catch-Up On Accessibility
WASHINGTON — Thirty years after the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act and 25 years after Congress decided to apply those standards to itself, significant advancements have been made in accessibility in and around the historic buildings. But challenges remain for people navigating Capitol Hill in person and in the digital space.
Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that 26 percent of adults in the United States have some type of disability, but representation in Congress is far below that and the institution is still playing catch-up in providing accommodations mandated by the ADA for equitable access to daily life, as well as the government.
COVID-19 Disproportionately Impacting Those with Developmental Disabilities
The life-altering effects of COVID-19 have been tougher on people with intellectual and developmental disabilities than just about anyone else and they need more support, a group of experts is
Education Department Says Transition Services Must Continue During Pandemic
Federal officials are reminding schools and vocational rehabilitation agencies of their responsibility to work together to help students with disabilities transition to adulthood, even amid the pandemic. In a letter this week to