The CISI Library is a critical vehicle for sharing up-to-date information on the reforms that are happening within the state and across the country, as well as research and best practices in the area of supported employment and full inclusion of people with developmental and intellectual disabilities.
The CISI Library will be updated frequently as new promising practices are identified.
The CISI Library will also archive videos of consumers, family members and people within the state who have a perspective on improving the lives of people with developmental and intellectual disabilities.
Person Centered Practice
Summer Work Readiness 2020 Impact
Summer of 2020 presented it’s challenges but we continued to work together with the business community and are happy to report our virtual workforce development programs successfully connected students (high-school & college) and adults with disabilities to over 20 employers in the past few months.
Families Struggling to FInd Care for Adults with Disabilities
Since 43-year-old Ivana Schnars moved into a nursing home in Pflugerville, her mom Sue Schnars has tried to make it as comfortable as the home where her daughter spent most
How Person-Centered Care is Changing the Senior Care Industry
What Person-Centered Care Means for Seniors
From the senior’s perspective, this type of care includes the following practices and principles:
I have the right to determine how best to meet my needs.
It must
Person-Centered Thinking with Older People
This book is about using person-centred thinking to enable older people to have much greater control and say over what they need and want in order to be full and