The CISI Library is a critical vehicle for sharing up-to-date information on the reforms that are happening within the state and across the country, as well as research and best practices in the area of supported employment and full inclusion of people with developmental and intellectual disabilities.
The CISI Library will be updated frequently as new promising practices are identified.
The CISI Library will also archive videos of consumers, family members and people within the state who have a perspective on improving the lives of people with developmental and intellectual disabilities.
Occupational Health
Three Ways to Identify Workplaces That Are Truly Inclusive
"Three Ways to Identify Workplaces That Are Truly Inclusive" is an article by Jim Hasse, Global Career Development Facilitator, who has complied a guide for jobseekers while on the road
Managing Emotions: A Critical Skill for Jobseekers with a Disability
"Managing Emotions: A Critical Skill for Jobseekers with a Disability" is an article written by Jim Hasses, a Global Career Development Facilitator, who has compiled and edited comprehensive disability recruitment
Partnerships in Employment
"Partnerships in Employment: Engaging Families of Youth with Intellectual Disabilities in Systems Change Efforts" is a publication written by Sean Roy of the PACER Center. The writing highlights reasons why
Employer Engagement Strategy: Workforce Inclusion
"Employer Engagement Strategy: Workforce Inclusion" is based on research conducted by Social Dynamics, LLC, the Altarum Institute, and a research team from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
"Technology Gaining Foothold In Special Education"
In our always changing society, technology has proven to constantly have an impact on our culture as a country. Technology is being recognized as a tool used throughout the Special
National Outlook of Employment within Intellectual/Developmental Disability Population
Employment has been recognized as an important goal for improving the lives of adults with an intellectual (ID) or developmental (DD) disability. This study, done by the University of Massachusetts