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Marijuana & Other Prescription Drugs: Employment Is Possible

Training type: Community Based Training
Training topic: Professional Development
Date and time: Thu, 01/23/2020 - 9:00am to 11:30am
Location: Office of Rehabilitation Services (1st Floor Conference Room) 40 Fountain St. Prov. RI 02903

The relatively rapid acceptance of marijuana and other prescription drug use in the United States has forced lawmakers and employers to grapple with how to adapt. Marijuana is legal in some form in 33 states and the District of Columbia. Employers across the United States are changing their policies on pre-employment drug testing; however, there are still many qualified individuals who have lost the opportunity for employment or have lost existing employment as a  result of legal drug use. This training will explore federal and state laws regarding marijuana and other prescription drug use, identify employment options and discuss strategies surrounding disclosure in the pre-employment and employment process.

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