Knowledge is Power! Revisit Labor Market Information and Own Your Job Search
Your choice of a particular occupation should stem from the fact that it fits well with your personality type, interests, work-related values, and aptitude, the educational and training requirements are attainable and you find the job duties appealing. However, before moving forward, there are a couple of questions you should ask yourself: Is it possible to build a career in this field and Where are the jobs? Understanding Labor Market Information can help you find the answer to these questions and much more.
Whether you're a rehabilitation professional, a job developer , a career coach or a job seeker, this training will provide you with insight and knowlegde in career planning and job seeking in the "new normal", identifying key industry sectors, and understanding "types of jobs" differently. Training participants will be introduced to sources of Labor Market Information such as The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) , Department of Labor & Training, O*Net and My Next Move, Career One Stop, and more.
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