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It's All About Connection: Building & Strengthening Developmental Relationships During the COVID-19 Crisis

Training type: Community Based Training
Training topic: Professional Development
Date and time: Wed, 10/07/2020 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Location: Virtual (via Zoom)

Strong, positive relationships are critical across all aspects of a young person's life, yet too few youth experience a strong web of healthy relationships in their lifetime. It's simple, relationships matter!! And positive relationships are the roots that cultivate the skills and abilities needed for youth to safely discover who they are, find thier voice and become resilient in the face of challenges and grow to thrive. 

Students starting the school year remotely need to feel connected to their teachers and peers more than ever. Relationship building is the key to healthy, social, emotional development in youth. Join us as we explore The Developmental Relationships Framework as presented in the evidence-based research from the Search Institute. The training will discuss the five elements-expressed in 20 specific actions that make relationships powerful in the lives of our youth. It will provide participants with the tools needed to empower youth to stay physically, emotional, socially, and psychologically well. 

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