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Family Navigators Pathway To Employment

Training type: Community Based Training
Training topic: Occupational Health
Date and time: Tue, 10/21/2014 - 5:30pm to 7:00pm
Location: National Center for Innovation and System Improvement

Join us for our October Family Navigator information session entitled Pathways to Employment!


The meeting will be held Tuesday October 21, 2014 from 5:30-7:00pm and will be held at the CEA, 662 Hartford Avenue, Providence RI.

This session will focus on effective tools that can be used to build a career pathway for people with barriers. Whether you are new to adult services or  looking for additional information and connections, Family Navigators is here to provide up-to-date information for families. 

Register for this informative session now! 

If you're new to the NCISI website, please fill out our NCISI registration form, which will allow you to sign up for the training.

If you'd like to sign up for the training, and you've already filled out the NCISI Registration form previously, please login under "Already a Registered User?" at the top left-hand section of the page.

In order to retrieve the archived training materials, you must first register as a user.