Moving the Needle - Sheltered Work to Integrated Competitive Employment
All of us in the field know, sheltered workshops and the subminimum wage are under scrutiny. In part, this is because myths about people with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities have been shattered, replaced by a new understanding that these individuals deserve and can thrive in competitive employment.
Throughout the nation, agencies serving people with disabilities are working to move individuals into competitive, integrated employment. This paradigm shift entails significant changes in funding models, training, client support and requires building pathways to employment.
The Fedcap Group’s National Center for Innovation and System Improvement ( is uniquely suited to help you navigate these changes and implement practical and tested practices. We have done the work ourselves and understand the challenges of changing services for people with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities from a group setting to an individualized model--providing sector based training, developing natural supports and building community connections.
Please join The Fedcap Group’s National Center for Innovation and System Improvement for an upcoming webinar about this critical work and learn about our innovative training modules designed to help organizations change their practices around the employment of people with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities. To register, click here. Do not use the sign up button below.
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