

The CISI Library is a critical vehicle for sharing up-to-date information on the reforms that are happening within the state and across the country, as well as research and best practices in the area of supported employment and full inclusion of people with developmental and intellectual disabilities.
The CISI Library will be updated frequently as new promising practices are identified.
The CISI Library will also archive videos of consumers, family members and people within the state who have a perspective on improving the lives of people with developmental and intellectual disabilities.

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Occupational Health

Best Judgment: Ladd School Lessons

Advocates in Action has been actively involved in producing a documentary entitled: Best Judgment: Ladd School Lessons. AinA is producing this remarkable film in affiliation with a production company called Harken Productions and in association with the Down Syndrome Society of RI.

A Note from Lori Norris, CEA Director on Transition Planning

The word ‘transition’ indicates some sort of passage – a process that occurs over time to ease a defined jump from one state to another.  Metaphorically, I like to think of transition as a bridge but the reality in Rhode Island is that for many young adults it is too often a cliff.

Projections for Highest Growth Employment Sectors

The Rhode Island Department of Labor issues projections of the highest growth employment sectors. The CEA will pay close attention to these projections as we are working with employers throughout the state to create employment opportunities for people with developmental/intellectual disabilities.