The CISI Library is a critical vehicle for sharing up-to-date information on the reforms that are happening within the state and across the country, as well as research and best practices in the area of supported employment and full inclusion of people with developmental and intellectual disabilities.
The CISI Library will be updated frequently as new promising practices are identified.
The CISI Library will also archive videos of consumers, family members and people within the state who have a perspective on improving the lives of people with developmental and intellectual disabilities.
Successful Strategies in Moving Long Term Unemployed to Employment and Self Sufficiency
Collaborating Our Way to Stronger Veteran Employment
Steve Cooker is a blogger for the Huffington Post, sharing a variety of topics with his readers. "Collaborating Our Way to Stronger Veteran Employment" highlights how the employment situation for
State Officials Plan For New ABLE Accounts
Meredith Rodriguez, writer for the Chicago Tribune and contributor to disabilityscoop, discusses how states across the country have enacted the ABLE legislation and are makig the plans as user-friendly as
'Long-term unemployed' Illinoisans struggling the worst
Larry Yellen, writer for Fox 32 News out of Illinois, released an article highlighting the status of the state's unemployment rate. Specifically, those who fall into the "long-term unemployed" category.
Filling the Gaps in Workforce
"Fill the gaps in workforce," written by Mark Edwards, Frank Cettina, and Victoria R. Myers on, goes into depth about the city of Philadelphia and how they made a difference within their
Correcting the Past and Breaking Down Barriers to Employment and Housing
Joshua Vaughn, writer for The Sentinel out of Pennsylvania, brings to light people who have criminal backgrounds and associated problems to finding employment and/or housing. Read the article now: "Correcting the