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Accessible Design: Why And How To Make It A Priority In 2021

Thu,02/18/2021 - 10:31am

The wide range of disabilities present in our communities affects how people interact with digital experiences. Although some companies have strived to provide more accessibility, access barriers do still exist across products because of people's varying needs. This is important to keep in mind when you consider that as a result of the pandemic, the adoption of digital experiences accelerated. E-commerce adoption is now five years ahead of where people thought it would be, and massive transformative shifts for technology and product development are happening right before our eyes. In 2021, I believe accessible design should be a top priority for companies.

Consumer shopping trends help support why accessible design is critically important. Customers are demanding more than just quality products and experiences from the businesses they support; many people now vote with their hearts, in addition to their wallets. And for many of those consumers, those decisions are also being driven by the stressors, feelings and consequences of the global pandemic. Furthermore, consumers expect brands to participate in social conversations and want organizations to be clear about their values. I believe accessible design can be a part of that expectation.

Adding accessible design elements can be relatively inexpensive and easy to maintain, thanks to technological improvements such as design systems, which contain an approved collection of design components that can be reused in different combinations.

Read more: Accessible Design: Why And How To Make It A Priority In 2021 (forbes.com)



Banfield, Richard. “Council Post: Accessible Design: Why And How To Make It A Priority In 2021.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 25 Jan. 2021, www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2021/01/27/accessible-design-why-and-how-to-make-it-a-priority-in-2021/?sh=5e85cb7f6d3a.