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Fast Track to Employment

Published: Mon, 06/16/2014 - 1:07pm
Event date: Wed, 06/25/2014 - 1:30pm

The Living RIte Innovation/Living RIte Centers are sponsoring this training called, FAST TRACK TO EMPLOYMENT. This 3 part FREE training opportunity is for program  participants interested in competitive employment.  FAST TRACK covers a range of topics including how to get a job that is meaningful, what is the best job for me, and tools that help you get the best job.  



The third and final part of this training is on JUNE 25th 2014 from 9:30am - 12:30pm.  It will be held at: Independence Square Foundation, 25 W Independence Way, Kingston, RI 02881



If you would like to refer someone or register someone to attend, pelase contact Joanne Savoie at 401.228.3960 or jsavoie@accesspointri.org