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Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program Community of Practice Monthly Webinar

Published: Fri, 08/15/2014 - 1:04pm
Event date: Wed, 09/10/2014 - 7:00pm

Topic: Pathways to Employment


Description: The SourceAmerica Institute on Economic Empowerment, in partnership with Marc Gold & Associates and Mathematica Policy Research, is piloting and evaluating an informed choice model, Pathways to Careers (Pathways). The pilot brings together state of the art employment strategies to enable people with significant disabilities to have an informed choice of competitive, integrated, full-wage employment options that match their individual interests, skills and abilities. These employment options are provided across a broad range of community settings. Pathways seek to accomplish three major objectives: 


•Remove (minimize) existing barriers and disincentives to full participation in the workplace for individuals receiving SSI and/or SSDI.

•Improve and expand ongoing employment supports for individuals with significant disabilities and provide assistance with employment retention and career development.

•Create an incentive for private, nonprofit and public employers to hire and retain individuals with significant disabilities.


Join us to participate in a discussion about Pathways’ innovative and strategic approaches to remove longstanding barriers to informed choice for individuals with intellectual, developmental and psychiatric disabilities.

Register Here: http://www.econsys.com/eflsmp/?subscribe 
