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Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program Community of Practice Monthly Webinar

Published: Mon, 06/30/2014 - 1:32pm
Event date: Wed, 07/09/2014 - 7:00pm

As the focus on Employment First and the need to shift away from segregated day and employment services continues to grow nationally, we are more frequently hearing references to \ensuring informed choice\" and \"providing services in the most integrated setting.\"  Are these phrases just popular (politically correct) slogans or can we see specific ways that states are ensuring these principles are adhered to in the design and delivery of publicly funded services to people with disabilities?  Join us for a provocative discussion that addresses these two popular slogans in terms of definitions, standards, processes and safeguards.  What can states be doing to truly ensure the principles of informed choice and most integrated settings are attended to for every individual with a disability for whom employment or other day services are authorized?  


This WEBINAR will take place on Wednesday July 9th from 3:00pm - 4:30pm.  


You can REGISTER here.  


