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11th Annual College Planning Forum

Published: Tue, 02/10/2015 - 7:30pm
Event date: Sat, 03/07/2015 - 1:30pm

Is College in Your Future? Attend this forum for students with disabilities, 504 plans and other challenges, their parents and school personnel. This forum will prepare you for a successful college experience, teach you how to advocate for your success, and help you understand accommodations and services available to you at college. 


Date: March 7th, 2015 

Time: 8:30AM - 1:30PM 

Location: Providence College 549 River Avenue Providence, RI 02918 - Ruane Hall 


This event is sponsored by the RI Regional Transition Centers, RIde Office of Student, Community, and Academic Supports, ORS, and RIPIN. There is NO COST for this event! Registration is required and must be received by March 1st, 2015. Register online at: http://www.supersaas.com/schedule/ripin_workshops/Workshops/10129511. To register by phone call Diana Kriner at 270.0101 ext 129 or email: Kriner@ripin.org